Infiniti offers cooled thermal in SD or HD options. Our 15μm 640×480 InSb or MCT sensors are comparable to the standard MWIR offerings in the industry. Our 10μm 1280×1024 HD X-Hot sensor provides 400% higher resolution and 50% longer range than traditional 15μm sensors. This means a 400mm lens on our X-Hot sensor is equivalent to a 600mm lens on a traditional 15μm sensor allowing it to provide a narrower angle for more detail at long distances.
MWIR sensors use integrated cryo-coolers to cool the sensors down to -196°C (InSb) or -123°C (X-Hot). This exponentially increases the sensitivity of the thermal camera. This allows MWIR cameras to use smaller and more powerful lenses than uncooled LWIR cameras, however the cryo-coolers do require maintenance at regular intervals of approximately 8000~25,000 hours.
Our wide variety of MWIR sensors and lenses range from a 19–275mm f/5.5 zoom (28.4°–2.0° HFOV) with SD resolution to a 92–1200mm f/4.0 zoom lens (7.9°–0.61° HFOV) with HD resolution, capable of human detection at over 50km based on DRI ratings in ideal conditions.